
Agloro, A. R.




Game Recognize Game: Performative Archives and Alternate Reality Games


University of Southern California

Discipline (uncoded)




Proposed Area of Unconventionality
(Tardy, 2016)

Modality, Rhetorical aims and strategies

Description and other notes

Dissertation consists of two components: a transmedia alternate reality game (called The Resisters), and a written monograph that more or less follows a traditional-simple (IMRD) macrostructural pattern. Rooted in participatory and experimental ethnographic methods to design a game. Positions ‘The Resisters’ as a “prototype for how to make use of physical archives and transform documents into a publicly accessible and interactive online format” (Abs). The written component describes the different methods that were used to orient to the project, as well as the physical and digital archival research that led to the design of the game and game play, and the implications of this work for developing and extending relationships between universities and communities. The website and complete archive for ‘The Resisters’ can be found at

(Proposed) Degree of separation or connection between atypical or unconventional component(s) and conventional or written component(s)

Unsure. Atypical or unconventional component (ie., ‘The Resisters’ game) is at times positioned as separate from the written component (Separate), and at times is positioned in ways that make it seem as though it is impossible to really separate the two (Connected). For instance, although the author indicates that the written component is “half” of the dissertation project, and while the website and archive for the game is clearly separate, at times the author also includes aspects of the unconventional component (e.g., through photos) as a way to reflect and build on them.

(Proposed) Type of relationship construed between atypical or unconventional component(s) and conventional or written component(s)

Unclear. If Influenced: The atypical or unconventional component (i.e., the game) is construed as an independent, albeit critical part of the written component (“This dissertation is a combination of a. . . game. . . , and a written monograph” p. 42). The written component establishes the theoretical base for the unconventional component, as well as the research process that led to or informed the creation of the game. The written component references the unconventional component frequently, but is the emphasis on a uni-directional relationship? If intermingled: There is a sense of interdependence between the unconventional and written components, and it is clear that they are both a part of the same project.


 “This written dissertation is half of my larger dissertation project, which includes the production and play of the alternate reality game. The complete archive of The Resisters can be found at The research produced through this larger dissertation project is a combination of practice and theory: the exploratory design and playing of a game, and the theorizing to understand what the findings from game design and play contribute to larger trends in serious games, digital media and learning, and community-based methods. This written analysis is meant bridge the gaps between what can be seen on the game website and the occurrences that left little trace during archival research, game design, and game play. This document is an explanation of the experimental methodology and what can be theoretically gleaned from the process of creating and playing an independent game.” (p. 8)

Discipline 2 (coded)


Discipline Grouping (coded)



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