the letter A depicted in a precisionist art style (heavy lines, black and white)

The “Objectivists”: A Website Dedicated to the “Objectivist” Poets (Wagstaff, 2018)


Wagstaff, S.




The “Objectivists”: A Website Dedicated to the “Objectivist” Poets


University of Wisconsin-Madison

Discipline (uncoded)




Proposed Area of Unconventionality
(Tardy, 2016)

Modality, Rhetorical aims & Strategies

Description and other notes

Institutional copy is print analogue of a public facing website that includes interactive and multimedia material. Website also includes archived material that was digitized as part of the dissertation project. The written component/institutional copy seems to function separately from the website. Interestingly, it was difficult to locate a link to the website in the written component / institutional copy, and asides from occasional mentions of “this site,” it’s fairly easy to think you’re reading a print-based dissertation. Link to site:

(Proposed) Degree of separation or connection between atypical or unconventional component(s) and conventional or written component(s)

Separate. Digital component (website) is not really visible in the written component/ institutional copy, and seems to be positioned as separate.

(Proposed) Type of relationship construed between atypical or unconventional component(s) and conventional or written component(s)

Parallel. The website makes no obvious mention of the dissertation project as a whole, or the written/institutional copy.  The components are treated as parallel processes with little textual connections created between them.


The written component appears to function mainly as the institutional record (PDF version) of the website that was developed for the project. The institutional copy is not a remediated version of the website. That is, the text that appears in the institutional copy is the same as the text on the website, e.g., “While each of the authors featured on this site. . . explored in greater depth on separate pages for each individual writer. . . this page will detail” (p. 168). As of writing, I have not been able to locate explicit mention of the dissertation project or institutional copy on the website (but it is possible that it is buried in there somewhere).

Discipline 2 (coded)


Discipline Grouping (coded)



General database search


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