Author: admin

  • Merandy (2019)

    Author Merandy, J.M. Year 2019 Title Vanishing Leaves: A Study of Walt Whitman Through Location-Based Mobile Technologies University The City University of New York Discipline (uncoded) English Macrostructure Unsure. Portfolio-based? Proposed Area of Unconventionality(Tardy, 2016) Modality, Linguistic and textual form, content, practice, rhetorical aims & strategies (?) Description and other notes Digital dissertation. Dissertation components:…

  • Mennigke (2020)

    Author Mennigke, S. Year 2020 Title Reframing leadership in a liquid age University University of British Columbia Discipline (uncoded) Education Macrostructure Topic-Based Proposed Area of Unconventionality(Tardy, 2016) Linguistic & Textual Form, Practice Description and other notes In the foreword to the dissertation, Mennigke describes the dissertation as having a “noticeable style” (p. 9) and that…

  • Meents (2018)

    Author Meents, M. Year 2018 Title Mapping Xylan biosynthesis in plant Golgi and Teaching biology using example answers University University of British Columbia Discipline (uncoded) Botany Macrostructure Traditional-Complex Proposed Area of Unconventionality(Tardy, 2016) Practice, Rhetorical aims & strategy Description and other notes Portions of chapters published elsewhere. Two “general focuses” (p. 137). The first, “to…

  • Indigenous women’s reproductive (in)justice(s) and self-determination : Envisioning futures through a collaborative research project (McKenzie, 2020)

    Indigenous women’s reproductive (in)justice(s) and self-determination : Envisioning futures through a collaborative research project (McKenzie, 2020)

    McKenzie introduces their dissertation as but one of the outcomes associated with a collaborative action-oriented study that sought to centre Indigenous women’s and Two-spirit persons’ experiences with sexual and reproductive injustices in Canada, as well as their right to self-determination and justice. McKenzie’s dissertation includes a policy brief that was submitted to Canadian health authority…

  • Lafollette (2019)

    Author Lafollette, K. Year 2019 Title The queer art of writing: (re)Imagining scholarship and pedagogy through transgenre composing University Bowling State University Discipline (uncoded) Rhetoric and Writing Studies Macrostructure Traditional-Simple Proposed Area of Unconventionality(Tardy, 2016) Modality, Practice Description and other notes Draws on and incorporates arts-based methods (collages), which is somewhat unusual for disciplinary context.…

  • Jeansonne (2019)

    Author Jeansonne, C. C. Year 2019 Title Superheroes in the Classroom, or: An Autoethnography of Great Power, Responsibility, and Community in a Critical Media Pedagogy University The Ohio State University Discipline (uncoded) Arts Administration, Education, and Policy Macrostructure Traditional-Simple Proposed Area of Unconventionality(Tardy, 2016) Linguistic and textual forms Description and other notes Writes a narrative…

  • Houchon (2017)

    Author Houchon, Á. C. Year 2017 Title Whispers from the Gutter: The Gutter, Its Boundaries, and Mis-guided Drifts University The Univeristy of Utah Discipline (uncoded) Educational Psychology Macrostructure Traditional-Simple Proposed Area of Unconventionality(Tardy, 2016) Linguistic and Texual forms, Modality Description and other notes “Deconstructed” dissertation; a/r/tography. The author says that the dissertation is prepared in…

  • Hosseinkhani (2020)

    Author Hosseinkhani, L. Year 2020 Title Gradual Saliency Detection in Video Sequences Using Bottom-up Attributes University Carleton University Discipline (uncoded) Engineering, Electrical and Computer Macrostructure Hybrid Complex/ Manuscript Proposed Area of Unconventionality(Tardy, 2016) Linguistic & Textual form Description and other notes Inclusion of published materials in chapters, yet not a manuscript-based thesis according to Carleton’s…

  • Hopes (2014)

    Author Hopes, D. Year 2014 Title Being Objective: Communities of Practice and the Use of Cultural Artefacts in Digital Learning Environments University University of Bermingham Discipline (uncoded) History and Cultures Macrostructure Traditional-Simple Proposed Area of Unconventionality(Tardy, 2016) Practice Description and other notes Uses a combination of mixed methods and content analysis—both atypical approaches for humanities…

  • Hawkins (2020)

    Author Hawkins, L. J. Year 2020 Title The Molecular Biology of Dehydration Tolerance: Regulation of Gene Expression and Function in Xenopus laevis University Carleton University Discipline (uncoded) Biology Macrostructure Hybrid Simple/ Manuscript Proposed Area of Unconventionality(Tardy, 2016) Linguistic & Textual form Description and other notes Incorporates published elements without necessarily presenting them in separate chapters.…
