
Boese, C.




The Ballad of the Internet Nutball: Chaining Rhetorical Visions from the Margins of the Margins to the Mainstream in the Xenaverse


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Discipline (uncoded)

Rhetoric and Compostion



Proposed Area of Unconventionality
(Tardy, 2016)

Modality, Linguistic and Textual form

Description and other notes

Non-linear, but Table of Contents (TOC) places introduction and conclusion where readers would expect them. TOC lists: Intro 1; Intro 2; Description of Xenaverse; Rhetorical Analysis findings & discussion 1; Rhetorical analysis findings & discussion 2; Rhetorical analysis findings & discussion 3; Conclusion; Works Cited. Website URL:

(Proposed) Degree of separation or connection between atypical or unconventional component(s) and conventional or written component(s)

Connected. Atypical or unconventional component(s) positioned as critical or inextricable.

(Proposed) Type of relationship construed between atypical or unconventional component(s) and conventional or written component(s)

Intermingled. There is a sense of interdependence between the atypical or unconventional and written or conventional component(s) and a distinct understanding that they are a part of the same project. 


To my knowledge, the website is the dissertation. “Non-linear structure.” Has two introductions. An explicit path through the dissertation isn’t provided, but readers are provided with some strategies for how to interact with/read the dissertation in the ‘second’ introduction. Provides a “navigational pane,” table of contents and “an image map of major nodes.” Map consists of clickable images and links that bring readers to different sections of the dissertation. Table of contents has no numbers, but letters which are not in alphabetical order. There is an introduction and conclusion.

Discipline 2 (coded)

Rhetoric and Writing Studies

Discipline Grouping (coded)



Word of Mouth


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