Mennigke (2020)


Mennigke, S.




Reframing leadership in a liquid age


University of British Columbia

Discipline (uncoded)




Proposed Area of Unconventionality
(Tardy, 2016)

Linguistic & Textual Form, Practice

Description and other notes

In the foreword to the dissertation, Mennigke describes the dissertation as having a “noticeable style” (p. 9) and that it ” is as if the reader is watching a play where the six chapters of the dissertation are the acts” (p. 9). Mennigke argues that this form of writing allows the writer to do something with writing (“This engagement also achieves another purpose. It allows writing to do something as part of the conceptual reflection. That is, to make conceptual distinctions and organize ideas through permitting writing to perform. If we see writing as a creative action, we may not think that it has restrictions of its own, yet it does, in the same way as any discipline that uses writing has its own rules and guidelines. Academic writing has its rubrics, as does fiction, journalism and tweeting. Pollock, arguing from a performing arts discipline, explores ways of making writing perform through ‘challenging the boundaries of reflexive textualities; relieving writing of its obligations under the name of “textuality”; shaping, shifting, testing language. Practicing language. Performing writing. Writing performatively.’” p. 10). Reading this through a rhetorical genre lens, I have the sense that writing this way also Mennigke to depart from or challenge conventions associated with the dissertation in their context.

(Proposed) Degree of separation or connection between atypical or unconventional component(s) and conventional or written component(s)

Connected. Atypical or unconventional components are positioned as inextricable from the written or conventional components.

(Proposed) Type of relationship construed between atypical or unconventional component(s) and conventional or written component(s)

Intermingled. There is a sense of exchange between the atypical or unconventional aspects of the dissertation and its more conventional components.


The atypical approach to writing is positioned as not that unusual for those in the discipline of performative writing (p. 10). It is meant to be noticeable — the striking nature plays an important “role” in the dissertation.

Discipline 2 (coded)


Discipline Grouping (coded)





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