Image meant to represent an imagined vision of James Joyce working behind a computer in a Dublin coffeehouse

How can you love a work, if you don’t know it?”: Critical code and design toward participatory digital editions (Visconti, 2015)


Visconti, A.




“How can you love a work, if you don’t know it?”: Critical code and design toward participatory digital editions


University of Maryland

Discipline (uncoded)



Unclear. Portfolio-based?

Proposed Area of Unconventionality
(Tardy, 2016)

Modality, Linguistic and textual form, content, practice, rhetorical aims & strategies (?)

Description and other notes

Borne-Digital. Consists of several components. Whitepaper, Digital Literary Edition, Research blog posts, Manifest, and Public repository of design and code.



(Proposed) Degree of separation or connection between atypical or unconventional component(s) and conventional or written component(s)

Separate (see notes). The institutional copy consists of only a few pages. It directs readers to the actual dissertation/ dissertation website, which consists of several components (Digital literary edition, Manifest, Git Hub repository, white paper, research blog, and the website that houses these components).  

(Proposed) Type of relationship construed between atypical or unconventional component(s) and conventional or written component(s)

Influenced. For the most part, emphasis is on a uni-directional relationship (the development of the digital edition led to the creation of the materials / components). Important exception to this, however, would be the research blog posts which were written alongside the development of the digital edition, thereby capturing the process as it happened.


Development of digital literary edition is centered in the white paper and research blog (two of the components). Website for the digital edition also gestures at some of the methods and objectives for the project, whereas the white paper dedicates more time to these topics. The Github repository (code) and the manifest (also on Github) are also positioned as critical components of the dissertation. But the development (and outcomes) of the digitial literary edition is the centrepiece and focal point for the majority of all pieces.

Discipline 2 (coded)

Digital Humanities

Discipline Grouping (coded)





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